Magic Monday: Zooming Sea-Party!!

fun, fun and more fun!

Magic Monday: Zooming Sea-Party!!

Zippedy Zoom Zoom to all you Zoomers. Its week three in the make and play lab and what a salty and ship-shapely week we have ahead.

Get ready shipmates as Selkie The Sea Witch, rises from her cold blue kingdom, to set a Zooming Sea Party for us all. Some unlikely sea-faring folk have dropped in to play. So its time to gather your barnacles here is Selkie ….

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How to play the game for the Zoom Challenge. 

Zippy ships, this sounds like a simply soggy thing to do.  So you set your date and time for your Zooming Sea Party, decide, whom you will invite and challenge to your scavenger hunt …

How to Host your Scavenger Hunt

  1. Pick 5 items that your guests can run and find whilst you time them.
  2. Decide on your rules. E.g You can challenge everyone to go find an item at the same time, so it’s a race/ Award points to the winner (s) Perhaps the last 2 do a forfeit/task
  3. Decide you who are going to challenge.
  4. Decide when you will host your challenge and how.
  5. Make your invitation and send it out.

Zippedilla’s Zipping Tip

Ask everyone to make a pirate hat or flag and wear it for the Zooming Sea Party.

Here is Selkie’s invitation  – 

Wowzzers a Zooming Sea Party sound like a whole heap of big fun and I think the sea will bring lots of whizzy zippy ideas to all the Boffins in the Make and Play lab this week.

So up next, we have a word search and other games to get your brain boxes spinning. 

My brainbox is wizzling, I must find something to do! I know, time to make a sea hat.


You will need:

  • A piece of newspaper
  • Tape
  1. Fold your paper in half horizontally, and keep the corners matched up so everything is neat.
  2. Bring the two top corners into the middle to make a triangle.
  3. Fold the bottoms of the paper up on either side, and fold the sticky-out corners in.  You will now have something that looks like a hat! You could use some tape here to secure it, once you have all the folds straight.

You can also make a flag by using tape to stick a piece of paper to a pencil. Why not get crafty and design your very own pirate flag? Infamous pirate and scourge of the high seas Edward Teach AKA “Blackbeard” had his very own unique gruesome flag so that whenever anyone saw it, it would strike fear and dread into their hearts… 

What is a ghost’s favourite pudding?

I scream!

What does a skeleton order at the Chinese takeaway?

Spare ribs!

What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman?



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ZZZZooomeroony, we will be dressed to take to the high seas, now the only thing to do is have a sing-song, as everyone knows that Mermaids, and Pirates and sea creatures all love to sing.

So before we shoo-be-dy-doo, dee-doo our songs, let’s get our warble-boxes warm, with AlanaKat in the Zipppedy Song Room.

What a great warm-up! Did you know that your voice is your very own invisible instrument? Here are some more groooovy Zippedy Zoom facts about VOICE:

You have tiny muscles in your ‘larynx’ (voice-box) that push your vocal folds together to make a sound. You can train these muscles through exercises like the ones in the video to make your singing voice stronger. If you press your finger to your neck and make a humming sound, you will feel a vibration. This is your vocal cords moving really really fast to make sound!

If you were to scream without stopping for 8 years, you would produce enough sound energy to heat up a cup of tea!

When sound bounces off an object, rather than being absorbed, it makes an echo (echo, echo, echo….)

Sea Shanties 

A ‘sea shanty’ is a type of work song that sailors would sing whilst working on ships. They have a rhythm to them which would help the sailors to work together if they were doing a task that meant they had to move with each other in time, such as pulling rope or rowing. Shanties were sung using voices only, no instruments.

One feature of a shanty was a call-and-response, when one voice (or group) sings one line, and another sings an answer. The sailor with the strongest loudest voice would be the shanty leader. 

Some popular sea shanties are:

My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

(Solo) My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
My bonnie lies over the ocean
O bring back my bonny to me

(Group) Bring back, bring back
O bring back my bonnie to me, to me!
Bring back, bring back
O bring back my bonnie to me!

The Big Ship Sails

The big ship sails on the ally ally O
The ally ally O
The ally ally O
The big ship sails on the ally ally O
On the last day of September

The captain said it will never never do
Never never do
Never never do
The captain said it will never never do
On the last day of September

The big ship sank to the bottom of the sea
The bottom of the sea
The bottom of the sea
The big ship sank to the bottom of the sea
On the last day of September

Build a Pirate Ship!

Fancy building your own magnificent vessel for you and your crew?


  • Large cardboard box
  • Scissors
  • Cardboard toilet roll tubes
  • Paint
  • Paper
  • Sticks
  • Tape
  • Pencil


  1. Use the scissors to cut the top half off the cardboard box. You might want to cut it so that the sides curve down in the middle and then up again at the two ends, this will look really ship-like!
  2. Use black paint to paint the toilet roll tubes (these will be your cannons), leave them tp dry.
  3. Draw round the end of the toilet roll tube, making several circles along the insides of the ship. Cut these holes out and put your cannons through.
  4. Draw out and paint your own pirate flag on some paper, and tape it to a clean stick. Use the scissors to poke a hole somewhere in your boat, and stick your flag there.
  5. If you have coloured paints, you can decorate the outside of the ship with some pictures or patterns! Many pirate ships have a figurehead of a mermaid on the front, why not paint one onto yours?

Send us in some pictures of your pirate ship, we’d love to see how brilliant they arrrrre!

Next from the lab, here’s a true story about the grisly end of one of the scariest most piratey pirates of all time…

Slippery Cod fish, this week is jam-packed, heave-ho and righty-ho, we Boffins have got to get Kraken … See you all for more salty tales on Wacky Wednesday … Zippedy-zoom. 
