Funtastic Friday- Rumpelstiltskin’s Zooming Charades

fun, fun and more fun!

Funtastic Friday- Rumpelstiltskin’s Zooming Charades

Zappedy-Zip Zoomers! It’s funtabulous Funday Friday, so what have we got to do today?

Rumpelstiltskin has managed to get all the Boffins and Fairy Folk to do all his chores for a whole month, but not me, oh no, he hasn’t caught me, yet. I am hiding away in the kitchen, where I found the sparkly, sprinkly Fairy Cakes, whipping up a storm of yummyness.

What is she making? Click ‘Play’ to see!!


  • Apron
  • Scale
  • 100g Butter
  • 2x Eggs
  • 100g Caster Sugar
  • 100g sifted Self-raising Flour
  • 1x teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1x teaspoon of vanilla essence
  • cases
  • baking tray
  • 100g powdered icing sugar
  • Warm Water
  • Food Colouring
  • Cake decorations – sweeties and sprinkles are lovely.


  1. Get your adult helper to pre-heat the oven to 180°c/160°c or Gas Mark 4
  2. Add Sugar, Butter, Flour, baking powder, eggs and vanilla essence into a bowl and mix until smooth and with no lumps
  3. Put the mix into the cases, minding the edges.
  4. Put the baking tray into the oven for 20 minutes
  5. Add icing sugar and warm water to bowl and mix – as mixture stiffens, add more water until properly mixed. Add food colouring and mix until colour even.
  6. Once cakes ready ask your adult helper to remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool
  7. Begin decoration by spreading icing on each cake. Then add decorations.
  8. Your yummy Fairy Cakes are ready to serve.

I am so hippedy-haaappy. I may not have found those biscuits yet and that doesn’t matter because I have fairy scrumptious cakes. I am one lucky Boffin today and now I have funubi tricks to play, watch out Mr Stiltskin, here comes Zippedilla!

Can you find all the scrummy yummy cakey buns in our wordsearch?

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Now while I am tussling with the magical maestro, check out our Maker Pixie-Pom-Pom, who is going to show us how to make… Well can you guess?  


  • Cardboard
  • Sellotape
  • Wool
  • Scissors


  1. Cut out two circles of cardboard, each with a smaller circle at the centre.
  2. Stack the circles of cardboard one on top of the other.
  3. Take a metre or so of wool, and thread it through the centre of the stacked circles, and around the outside and back through the centre. Repeat until the thread is used up. Add threads in this way until the circle of cardboard is entirely covered and no more thread can be forced through the centre of the circle.
  4. With a pair of scissors, cut through the woollen threads at the edge of the card board circle, making sure the scissor points slip between the cardboard circles.
  5. Once all the threads have been cut, tie another length of woollen thread around the centre of the pom-pom between the cardboard circles. Knot the centre thread firmly.
  6. Cut the cardboard circles from edge to centre and remove
  7. Trim your pom-pom

Why not start your own vegetable patch or window box? It’s super easy, and it’s a great way to engage and learn about wildlife and nature.

One of the easiest plants to grow are tomatoes! These are best to grow in the summer, as the sunshine will makethem taste a lot better.

If you don’t have plant pots, you can use old yoghurt pots to grow in. You will need to puncture some holes in the bottom so that water can drain away


  • Pots
  • Soil
  • Tomato seeds
  • Lolly sticks or craft sticks
  • Water
  • Newspaper (if potting indoors)


  1. Lay some newspaper on a surface, and take your pot and make sure that it has holes in the bottom.
  2. Scoop some soil into the pot until it is almost full.
  3. Take a couple of seeds, and make a hole with your finger in the soil.
  4. Place the seeds in the hole, and cover them over with the soil.
  5. Carefully trickle a little bit of water onto the soil.
  6. Write ‘tomatoes’ on a lolly stick, and stick it in the corner of the pot, so that you know what’s growing in there.
  7. Keep the pot on a sunny windowsill for the first couple of weeks, and keep watering it lightly every day, or whenever the soil looks/feels dry.
Your tomato plant could grow as big as this one!

Sugar lump trick!

Here’s a trick to make your audience believe that you can magick a number from a dissolved sugar lump onto someone’s hand.


  • a lump of sugar
  • a pencil
  • a glass of water.


  1. Have a volunteer pick a number between 1 and 9.
  2. Write that number down with the pencil on the sugar lump
  3. Pick up the sugar lump and secretly squeeze the side with the number against your thumb.The number will be transferred onto your thumb.
  4. Now dissolve the lump in the glass of water.
  5. Take the same volunteer’s hand to draw them closer to the table, and subtly press your thumb against their palm, so that the number transfers onto their hand.
  6. Get them to hover their hand over the glass and say some magic words.
  7. Turn their hand over to reveal the number. Ta-dah!

Pepper water trick!

Here’s a trick that will make it seem as if you can move water telepathically.


  • pepper
  • a glass of water
  • soap


  1. Before your audience arrives, rub some soap into your fingers.
  2. Pour some pepper into a glass of water.
  3. Have a volunteer stick their finger in the water, and show that the pepper doesn’t move.
  4. Stick your soap fingers into the water, and it will react to the soap, sending the pepper swirling away from your hands. This looks just like magic!

Well I did trick Mr Stiltskin, so I wont be washing his socks, nope not this biffedy Boff and to stop him trying his pranks on Pixie Pom-Pom has challenged him to a Pom-Pom race, she is pixy-wizzy so he is going to have to work speedy fast. 

Why don’t Fairies live under Toadstools? 

Because there is not Mushroom!

Why Does Peter Pan always fly?

Because he Neverlands.

What is the difference between a carrot and a unicorn?

The first is a bunny feast, the other is a funny beast.


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Now we magical Brandon D, who is here to show us all how to make more scrummy-yumbles, kitchen magic:

The Ultimate Fairy Lemon Drizzle Cake here we come!!


  • 200g Butter / Margarine
  • 200g of self-raising flour with baking powder
  • 200g of caster sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • The rind of one lemon
  • The juice of a lemon + caster sugar
  • Whipped double cream
  • Raspberries
  • Lemon Curd


  1. Add butter to caster sugar in a bowl and mix to a fluffy texture
  2. Add rind of lemon and four eggs and mix.
  3. Sift in 200g of flour to the mix and whisk
  4. Divide the mix into two cake tins equally
  5. Place both tins in oven at 180°c/160°c (fan-assisted) Gas Mark 4 for around 20 minutes.
  6. Once cooked, take out of oven, and with one cake, use a fork to puncture the top and drizzle the lemon juice & sugar mixture over.
  7. Finish your cake with whipped cream, raspberries and lemon curd

Did you know…

The argument over whether jaffa cakes are cakes or biscuits had to go to court in 1991, where it was ruled that they are legally cakes, because they go hard when stale, whereas biscuits tend to go soft!

According to pagan tradition, putting a fruit cake under your pillow at night will make you dream of the person you will marry!

In Ancient Rome, instead of having a wedding cake, bread was broken over the bride’s head upon her marriage to bring good fortune to the couple!

What chucklicious FUN!!

You have to use your noggin and think fast in this miming game, which is played with a group.

  1. Players form a circle, and one player stands in the middle, miming an action (think rowing, cooking, brushing teeth!)
  2. Another player shouts “Me!”, and the player in the circle must shout out a different action, and run out of the middle to rejoin the circle.
  3. The new player must run into the middle, and start miming whatever action the previous player shouted out, until another player shouts “Me!” and so on. Try and change over as fast as you can, so everyone has to think of new actions super quickly!

Now it’s time to flop down into a beanbag with a mug of something warm, because we have today’s story! Let us tell you all about the true tale of ‘The Cottingley Fairies’…

Zip-Zip Zoomers! We bet you are rushing to the kitchen to get a magicking yourselves a feast. How marvellous has this week been, with so much stuff to see and do and I have had lots of treats.  Even Rumpelstiltskin is chuckling at the jokes. We shall almost be sad to see our magical Makers go, except that when they do, we can all have a nice lie-down, with a cup of tea, but no biscuits, because apparently there are none!

Now Zoomers, come back on Magic Monday and discover just where Master Robin Hood is hiding and what Zooming challenge he has for us. 

Zip Zip Zoomers, have a sunny-shiney week, even if the rain downchucks upon you, as we Zoomers can get the happy anywhere!

Prof Zippedilla Zoom

⛄ Wooooop, only 14 sleeps now til the big day! Have you wrapped the presents yet? 🎁
