Wacky Wednesday- Rumpelstiltskin’s Zooming Charades

fun, fun and more fun!

Wacky Wednesday- Rumpelstiltskin’s Zooming Charades

Fribbulous wonders, its Wacky Wednesday, and Fairyland has come to the Lab.

Mr Rumpelstiltskin Esq, is keeping us all on our toes, he is a magical prankster and we all have to have eyes at the end of our noses. He has brought with him Fairy Cakes and Puck the Eco sprite to do all the work, while he is most excellente at telling us all what to do.

Snow White has come back as she is a most delightful person and has offered to do the chores this week, so here she is with her Zoom points…

So Zoomers, has Princess Snow inspired you to do a chore to help out in the place where you stay?

What good turn can you do today, you can be like her and whistle while you work, or just sing a haaaaappeee song, maybe do a little jig? Do let us Boffins know what special thing you did, send us a snap, we would so enjoy meeting you!

Who will be the best Zoom pointy person this week? Will it be Snow White, or will it be YOU?

Can you find all the famous fairies in today’s wacky wordsearch?

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Here’s how to make your own tornado at home!

You will need: Two plastic bottles, a tube to connect the bottles, some glitter, and some water.

  1. Add the water and glitter to one of the bottles
  2. Stick the tube in between the two bottles, making sure it’s secure
  3. Now turn the contraption upside down, and as the water flows from the top bottle to the bottom, swirl it in a circle.

This will create a vortex in the bottle. This is because when water flows downward, the air in the empty bottom bottle must move upward. The vortex is created by the water and the air swapping places.

Zipping and Zooming, next up out of the lab is our spritely pixie Brandon D.

Today he is going to show us all how to make Origami Fairy Butterflies. Perhaps you could play origami charades, now that would be tearingly papertastic. This Origami is totally magic, all Brandon uses is a bitty bit of paper, to conjure his spell. Come on Zoomers, this one is for you, time to get foldin’

Fairies often hang out in gardens, and they LOOOVE flowers. Here’s a tutorial on how to press flowers, which make really great presents for your fairy friends!


  • Flowers
  • Newspaper
  • A large, heavy book (like a dictionary)
  • Card


1. Get permission from an adult to pick flowers, and very carefully take a few, being sure not to damage any. Or you could buy some flowers from a shop to do this.

2. Open your book in the middle, and line it with newspaper. Place the flowers as flat as possible on the newspaper, and close the book over.

3. Store it in a warm dry place, and weight it down by putting more heavy books on top. You should come back and check on your flowers every day.

4. Once they are dry (this might take 3 weeks of pressing) you can carefully glue them to some card, and this makes a beautiful present, or even just to keep for yourself as a decoration!

Did you know there is such a thing as the language of flowers, which is a special old language where people apply meanings to different flowers?

Some types of flowers which are GREAT for pressing are:


Pansies are really colourful and pretty blooms. In the language of flowers, pansies represent forbidden love!


These are very common and easy to find, you can also make daisy cha
ins out of them. In flower language, daisies are a symbol of purity.


These are like pansies but with smaller flowers. Violets represent modesty and also everlasting love.


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And while we are out in the Fairy Garden our new maker Clementina has a zippedy project to make Fairy Toadstools out of Cucumbers and Tomatoes – how zooming cool is that? Here she is:

REMEMBER ZOOMERS: Real toadstools – in the garden or park or woods – should NOT be touched, picked or tasted, they are poisonous – and besides which Gnomes live in them and get very grumpy if their homes are disturbed, so do use your peepers and look, but don’t ever use your feelie-fingies!!

Have you ever wondered what type of fairy you would be? Take our quiz to find out!

  1. What do you like to do in your spare time?      a) Gardening
    b) Making mischief
    c) Swimming 
  1. Where can you normally be found at a party?   a) Asking for the music to be quieter
    b) Wrestling
    c) Dancing 
  1. What is your favourite colour?
    a) Pink
    b) Green
    c) Blue 
  1. What is your preferred mode of travel?   a)  Flying
    b) Horse riding
    c) Floating downstream 
  1. Your best quality is that you are …
    a) Chilled out
    b) Funny
    c) Intelligent  
  1. You are most talented at… 
    a) Music 
    b) Sport
    c) Art  
  1. What is your favourite spell?    a) Making flowers and plants bloom on command
    b) Cleaning up and doing chores by magic
    c) Changing shape into an animal 

If you picked mostly A’s

You are a Sprite! You are a calm fairy, slightly shy, who lives amongst plants and trees. You enjoy a relaxed environment, tending and soothing the trees and plants around you. Your friends rely on you to keep things calm and in order.  

Mostly B’s

You are a Pixie! You have a mischievous streak, and you are the life and soul of the party. When you’re not playing pranks, you can be found wrestling with your friends, or dancing. You love going for fast rides on horses, buuuut you are also kind-hearted, and are always there to help your friends.

Mostly C’s

You are a Water Fairy! Ooh, you’re a little bit mysterious! You are very wise and intelligent, and can mostly be found drifting and singing in the rivers and lochs with your friends. You are artistic and expressive, and you feel much more comfortable in water than on land.

Why did the three witches call a plumber?

Because they had double double toilet trouble!

What do you call a magician that’s lost his magic?


What did the fisherman say to the magician?

Pick a cod, any cod!

Now its ZZZtime and we are delighted to have Mavis the March Hare to spellbind us all with the tale of ‘How Coyote Saved The World’

Now Zoomers, it is time to get comfy, perhaps grab a shlurpybucket of Tea or a Marshmallow luscious hotty choc and tune in to our serial.

We welcome back all the way from Singapore, the magical voiceover artist, Jessica Wootton. Jessica is reading ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’. The original story was written by American author L. Frank Baum last century. How zooming cool is that?! So here comes Chapter 3.

Wishing wells and Fairy spells, what an enchanting day this is. Now Zoomers it’s time for you make you own spells at home, you can always start with a smile, as we all know that a smile always makes the magic start. So its Zip Zip from the Boffins, do tune in for Funtastic Friday where I just know things will get really, really messy. Prof Zippedilla Zoom.

Ho ho ho! Only 16 sleeps til Christmas, Zoomers. Better start baking those mince pies! 🤶🎅
