Category: ZippedyFun

fun, fun and more fun!

Wacky Wednesday – A Very Zippedy Christmas!

Zippydays Zoomers, and happy holidays to ya! It’s Wednesday of our Christmas week, and boy oh boy have we got a fun-packed whizzer day of festivities for you to enjoy. So without further ado, let’s dive in! Here’s a Zippedytastic Merry Christmas Video with Sugar Plum, Ginger Bread and Jack Frost – there’s even a…
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Magic Monday – A Very Zippedy Christmas!

Ho ho ho, we certainly hope you’re in a festive mood, Zoomers, cos we’re comin’ atcha with a whole load of Christmassy joy and cheer this week! That’s right, it’s four sleeps until the big day, and in the Lab we are just super duper diddly excited. We’ve rounded up lots of fun stuff for…
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Magic Monday – Robin Hood’s ZoomAlongAQuest!

Zip Zip Zoomers, what a week we had in Fairyland, it was whizbingling magic, there were pranks and japes and cakes and yummyness, oh and lots and lots of sparkles. Now the Fairies have all flown away, so we are back with our footsies on terra firma, which is lucky because this week we are…
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Funtastic Friday- Rumpelstiltskin’s Zooming Charades

Zappedy-Zip Zoomers! It’s funtabulous Funday Friday, so what have we got to do today? Rumpelstiltskin has managed to get all the Boffins and Fairy Folk to do all his chores for a whole month, but not me, oh no, he hasn’t caught me, yet. I am hiding away in the kitchen, where I found the…
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Wacky Wednesday- Rumpelstiltskin’s Zooming Charades

Fribbulous wonders, its Wacky Wednesday, and Fairyland has come to the Lab. Mr Rumpelstiltskin Esq, is keeping us all on our toes, he is a magical prankster and we all have to have eyes at the end of our noses. He has brought with him Fairy Cakes and Puck the Eco sprite to do all…
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Magic Monday – Rumpelstiltskin’s Zooming Charades.

Zip Zip Zippedy Zoomers, and how are you all this week? Busy zipping whizbingle about and being shinny happy zoomers, or if not we Boffins are all set for another week to bring you giggle boxes of fungle stuff to do. This Zooming week is hosted by Fairylands trickster businessman, the one, the only Rumplestiltskin…
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Funtastic Friday – Mad Hatter’s Zooming Tea Party

Zip Zip Zoomers, its Funtastic Friday and our Wonderland Adventure is drawing to a close, booooo, however we have a fun filled episode for you all today, huzzah… First up is the caketastic Brandon D, who is showing us all how to make Butterfly Cakes, the Mad Hatter is hoppingly hiphip haaaapeeeey, however we would…
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Wacky Wednesday – Mad Hatter’s Zooming Tea Party

Wibbling Wonderloonies, its Wacky Wednesday again, and we are here with the Mad Hatter and his chums. They have been busy in the lab and made a right rumpus messings, which we Boffins are really enjoying as there is lots and lots to eat and plenty of shlurpingly lalalaloveryly tea. First out of the lab…
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Magic Monday – Mad Hatter’s Zooming Tea Party

Zippedy Zoom, zoomers and how zippy was your weekend? Did you enjoy your own zooming Sea Party and Scavenger Hunt, I know we Boffins in the lab did. We had a Zipping time, although I never, ever did find those biscuits, the other Boffs said they just couldn’t find them. Although, I did see lots…
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Funtastic Friday – Zooming Sea Party

Hello Zippers, how goes the Zooming? It is Funtastic Friday and we are looking forward to a rammed fun packed day, plus we have all got our Zippedy Zooming Challenges to plan. Right now in the makers lab, we have Zooming awesome mermaid Mimi, who is going to show us how to make fishes for…
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